On one hand, the last two days weren’t much to talk about. The waves were small and the water still chilly. The sun was overhead though and it felt good to stretch out on my board, relaxed, taking in the reflection of the green ocean and the occasional glassy face of a wave. I was done with winter before it began and think of these days as little treasures, gifts conspired by the air and sea to remind us that spring is near. While the faces of larger waves are like giant canvases, begging for big and impressive strokes of genius, small waves beg for something different. They ask for patience and creativity. They want you to slow down and get playful.
These small waves, big on beauty, inspired me to want to see how much meaning I could fit into the least amount of words. Haiku’s seemed a perfect fit.
sit up on my board
the horizon shimmers calm
stories in water
unexpected peak
deep breath and determined strokes
feet dig into wax
right foot crosses left
the nose rises as toes wrap
dancing on water